People We’ve Met & Befriended Along the Way
(And Some Long-Time Friends)

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Say Hi to Grant Emerson!

Grant is a professional musician living in Nashville. One of the founding members of a group named Delta Rae, Grant also develops web sites on the side. We found Grant through Upworks and it turns out he lived only a few blocks from the house we had rented! He has been a great partner in getting this website up and running, handling the heavy lifting for us and even developing training documents. I always look forward to his texts and emails, invariably peppered with “y’all”, Were it not for Grant, you would not be reading about all our adventures and seeing all our photos. I only hope Grant will have time for us once Delta Rae comes out of covid hibernation!

For more about Delta Rae, head here:

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Meet Dana Maloney

Dana and her husband Jim are the owners of “Jubilee Suites”, a lovely bed and breakfast with truly extraordinary views of Mobile Bay. Located in Fairhope, Al. the property features several suites, many with full kitchens, a peaceful environment and attentive proprietors. When our Airbnb fell through, they saved us by providing a suite that we settled right into. We spent a lot of time sitting and gazing at the bay, rocking away in their comfortable armchairs. The aesthetic of the property and rooms is simply beautiful. Along the way, we got to know Dana as well as her chief marketer, Kathy Estadt. We were even invited out on an 6 hour tour of Mobile Bay and the bayous with Ben Raines - a truly extraordinary opportunity and one we will never forget. That would simply never have happened if the house had not fallen through and we had not stayed with them. Check out their web site to get a glimpse of the nature of this magnificent property!

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Introducing Kathy Estadt

Kathy is the President of Fresh Focus Group, an Internet Marketing Company that counts Jubilee Suites as one of its customers. We met Kathy through Dana, and the four of us spent a day together out on Mobile Bay with Ben Raines. We all agreed it was the trip of a lifetime. We bonded over dinner several days later and have come to count Dana and Kathy as friends we’ve made along our journey. For more information see:

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And This is Kailee Montes

We met Kailee when we went to dinner in Fairhope at a restaurant called Camellia Cafe. Because we made a very early reservation - still being covid cautious - we had an opportunity to chat extensively with Kailee. Originally from Puerto Rico, she and her husband are now residents of the lovely town of Fairhope. Kailee is a costume and set designer by profession. We really enjoyed our conversation with Kailee about her life, her observations about the local culture, and much more. It was a pleasure. And by the way. though we don’t often recommend restaurants because they change so often, this one was sheer heaven! Check out:


Suzann Lupton - Friends Since 1986 - that's 35 years!

Suzann and I met when we both worked at Citibank in 1986 and we have been friends ever since. We have traveled together (Barbardos, Hilton Head, Savannah, London) and stayed in touch all these many years. Now a resident of Denver, Suzann showed us a simply wonderful time during our month there, and introduced us to many in her circle of friends. It was a very social month and one which we enjoyed tremendously!